professional picture framing products in St Helens and Merseyside
The Framing Process.
As a commercial framer we are able to offer a vast selection of frame mouldings to private clients that may not be readily offered by other retail framers. These are in a variety of colours and textures both ornate and contemporary, which make a difference to the overall look and feel of your picture. When you visit our workshop you will be assisted to work through the design process that will enhance your picture so that it fits in perfectly with your décor.
What to expect
When you come to the workshop always bring your items for framing and hopefully you will have some idea of how you want your artwork framed. We will take on board your views, ask you various questions about the style of your décor, where the picture is going, is it for a present for someone else etc. With this information we can start narrowing down your style options, eventually honing it so that your picture is exactly framed how you would like. This may well not be your initial thoughts but with our 30 years of experience, we can give you the words to express what you really want. If you know exactly how you want it framed then we are good to go. With this information, we will show you various mouldings and mount colours so that you can make the final decision.
Some things to think about before you come the workshop:
- where is it going in the house?
- do you want it to match anything in the room e.g. light fittings?
- is your décor more contemporary or more traditional?
- do you want to be very specific or more versatile in your choice of colours, e.g. an exact colour to match something or a generic gold or black that will go with most things. Bear in mind, in years to come, you may want to move the picture.
- do you want to add a mount? This makes the picture more elegant and draws the eye into the image
- if having a mount, do you want to pick out one particular colour in the picture or be more general?
- do you want the picture to blend into the room or do you want it to stand out as a bold statement?
pictures can be enlarged by increasing the size of the mount so measure the space you have available. - Do you want your picture enlarged/reduced to fit you space or match another picture?
Why use a mount?
high-quality materials, there is a 45° beveled-edge
where the mount meets the picture.

Frame size and image size
Frame Size:
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